Holidays often disrupt our routines and can derail self care habits. More activities, food and parties are the norm for this time of year. How do you participate, have fun and eat low inflammatory foods, stay on schedule with self
Lyme Support Group 4 things I look for
Do you belong to a Lyme support group? Does it give you what you need? There are a number of really good ones in Massachusetts I go to a support group and talk at a number of them to share
Find Ways to stay mobile and move every day
Fall is a busy season and I am finding it hard to get enough movement time. How about you? Does your ability to stay active shift during the fall and winter season? How do you deal? Since Lyme disease I
Whole Local Seasonal Food Try Pumpkin this Fall

What are your favorite fall foods? Fall is a great vegetable season in New England. Whole food, high nutrient eating is big part of self care to heal from Lyme disease. Seasonal eating, meaning eating what is being offered at