I have been doing research on the social and economic influences brought to bear on food choice. It is so obvious to me that we are being actively pressured to make choices to support the food economy. Choose manufactured foods
A Spoon full of Honey helps Bitter Herbs Go Down

A Spoon full of Honey helps Bitter Herbs Go Down Honey is a wonderful medicinal food in its own right. It is also a great way to deliver herbs. At my herb club meeting this past weekend, we made zoom
Favorite Biohacker Tips for Lyme

I guess I qualify as a biohacker. When I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and my symptoms extended well beyond the normal course of antibiotics, I was in a tough spot. Five Years ago put in this corner, I decided
Plants Strong Allies Against Lyme Disease

I tap the wisdom and capability of plants for health issues in my life. They help me deal and heal the myriad of symptoms from Lyme disease. The green ones are in the business of survival under all kinds of