3 mushrooms in my Lyme healing kit earn their spot every day. They are in the front row. Supplements need to earn their place in my medicine cabinet. You can end up taking oh so many pills trying to contain
Tick Bites, Not This Spring Thanks
As soon as the critters start moving, generally we start heading outside. It is that time of year, technically spring is here. We all feel the shift in seasons and the urge to connect with nature. Honor that urge and
Lyme Triggers Self Doubt Even Fear
Lyme triggers self doubt even fear. Every day you wake up and you don’t know how you are going to feel. Some days are okay and on other days you have a new mysterious symptoms. You can’t tell if it
Does Lyme Make You Fat?
I guess I need to re-frame “Does Lyme make you fat?” to “Can Lyme make you fat? For me the answer is yes. Lyme has a big impact on weight loss and gain depending on what is going on in
Supplement Spring Cleaning Stay Current
We are on the countdown to spring. One of my spring traditions is to do some basic clean up. I sweep out the garage, dust off the porch that kind of thing. Recently I looked at the overflowing box of