As part of my journey with Lyme disease, I have taken a lot of pills. Too many pills, my life became about pill taking not living. Part of this was necessary, I was totally sick and my doctor and I
Lyme Too Many Pills Find A Way In

As part of my journey with Lyme disease, I have taken a lot of pills. Too many pills, my life became about pill taking not living. Part of this was necessary, I was totally sick and my doctor and I
Who is on your team and how do they help you reclaim your life? Do you need team support for your recovery from Lyme disease? Many people do, I did. So many things were going awry all at once, it
Ticks are out in force. In the past week I have spoken to friends and clients who were recently bitten. I teach about prevention often, because it is so important to minimize tick bites. Based on some of the questions,
My Neti pot gets regular use to detox and move mucus all spring long. Do you deal with stuffiness in the spring? Is it part of Lyme or due to diet, allergies or an everlasting spring cold? Everything is in
Lyme visual symptoms messing with your eye sight? It messed with mine with some disturbing symptoms. Runaway inflammation in my eye caused a detached retina. Glare and Light sensitivity, floaters, a lava lamp effect were other Lyme visual symptoms I