Waste generation increases with Lyme and it also slows waste processing down. Prioritize moving waste out in your daily routines. I put practices in place I do at home every day to help me keep lymph flowing and waste moving.
Desperate for Lyme Disease Decompression Confidante

I needed a person for Lyme disease decompression, to help me sort the issues. My brain when it worked felt like it was going to explode from too much information. I wanted help talking out symptoms, treatments you name it.
Drive Lyme Healing Move More

I took freedom of movement for granted before Lyme disease, but I don’t any more. How about you? I move more consistently and gently than ever in my life. One of the big adjustments for me on my healing journey
Go Zone Defense Make Your Yard Tick Unfriendly

Ticks live among us. They carry diseases. Tick born infections can be devastating. If you have chronic lyme and other tick born infections you know how serious this is. If you haven’t congratulations, you don’t want any part of tick
3 Big Benefits Of CBD For Lyme Disease

CBD is heralded as the new super supplement. CBD for Lyme disease is part of the herbal arsenal used to help people like me with chronic version. It might help you, check in with your health care team to see.