Leakage part of your Lyme experience?
Do you have bladder leakage aka urinary incontinence as part of your journey with Lyme disease? When Lyme hits hard,lots of things go wrong. It knocked my socks off with multiple systems failure. Followed by embarrassing things like urinary incontinence.
Bladder leakage is not just a Lyme problem. This is a big deal for a lot of women after child birth and older women and men. Lyme made it a big deal for me. It disrupts your day and makes you feel anxious and uncomfortable.
The fact is your bladder is supposed to work without breaks or vacations. So if you have to wear a pad every day or pack extra clothes this is a sign of a problem. If you say, my bladder works great except when I laugh, cry, am tired, sneeze, something might be wrong.
“I’m going to go pee. If the universe is bigger and stranger than I can imagine, it’s best to meet it with an empty bladder.”
― John Scalzi, Old Man’s War
Here are a few things that contribute to bladder leakage. Lyme and Lyme treatment can contribute to all of these.
If you have been on antibiotics for Lyme disease, your urinary track biome can be altered. The probiotic bacteria that keep things in order get knocked out. Pathogenic bacteria can promote frequent urination, painful urination and bladder leakage. Low grade UTI’s can be tough to kick. Work with your health care team to get tested and treated. Clear any infections. I use cranberry extract to support urinary health. In addition there are probiotics designed to support your urinary track. A course helped me get back on track and stay dry.
If Borellia can take up residence in your bladder, remember this organism loves low circulation areas of the body it can cause problems. Again work with your health care team and describe your symptoms. It can be hard to remember them all but report any pelvic pain, leakage, or painful urination, so you can get help. Reduce sugary foods that feed the bacteria and drink plenty of water to keep flushing out your bladder.
Loss of muscle tone
Sphincter muscles open and close the bladder to hold or empty urine. Loss of muscle tone can happen from inactivity due to illness. Suddenly woops urine leaks. Exercise builds muscle tones. Learn about Kegel exercises to support good bladder tone.
Interference in nerves and sensation
I am fortunate to have recovered a lot of sensation. For a while I felt I had a really short leash. By the time I realized I had to urinate, the need was immediate. Now things are more normalized. To help with this I make a practice to void my bladder on a regular basis. If I feel any pressure or sensation go and go, rather than ignore or delay.
Get the Support You Need
Get the right products while you build back your ability to pee only in the toilet. These products are available on line and in stores like Target Walmart and CVS
Poise Impressa is an insertable that helps stop leaks by supporting the muscles. Pads and panties,catch leaks and help you feel dry. Get the ones designed for urine. Sanitary napkins are designed for menstrual blood which has different consistency and flow properties than urine. Depends, Poise and other companies offer effective support.
If bladder leakage is an issue for you, get the support treatment, and products you need to feel better. Of the many functional issues that come up with Lyme disease urinary incontinence of all things should not mess with your life.
The information provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for information purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.
Constipation that lyme gives you plays a big role in these bladder problems. If you cannot take a dump, all those toxins will penetrate though your intestines and mess up your sprinkler. First time it lasted a month, almost 2 years have passed and everything repeats again.