Lyme visual symptoms messing with your eye sight? It messed with mine with some disturbing symptoms. Runaway inflammation in my eye caused a detached retina. Glare and Light sensitivity, floaters, a lava lamp effect were other Lyme visual symptoms I
Stretch Your Feet for Happy Feet
One thing I have learned from dealing with Lyme and co-infection is that I value my mobility. I have had a lot of neuropathy and swelling in my feet from Lyme disease and it put ease of movement at risk.
Bladder Leakage Deal With This Annoying Lyme Symptom
Bladder Leakage part of your Lyme experience? Do you have bladder leakage aka urinary incontinence as part of your journey with Lyme disease? When Lyme hits hard,lots of things go wrong. It knocked my socks off with multiple systems failure.
3 Mushrooms In My Lyme Healing Kit To Rebuild Health
3 mushrooms in my Lyme healing kit earn their spot every day. They are in the front row. Supplements need to earn their place in my medicine cabinet. You can end up taking oh so many pills trying to contain
Tick Bites, Not This Spring Thanks
As soon as the critters start moving, generally we start heading outside. It is that time of year, technically spring is here. We all feel the shift in seasons and the urge to connect with nature. Honor that urge and