Ticks slow down even bed down during the early winter but are still active when the temperatures are above freezing. Tick exposure and tick bites are still possible all during fall and early winter. Send any attached ticks you find
ILADS A Place To Find Expert Lyme Help
Do you sometimes wonder if anyone out there is examining the growing problem of tick-borne illnesses in this country? If you do, you are not alone. I went to the recent ILADS (the international Lyme and associated disease society) conference
Don’t Ignore Lyme Symptoms
I was chatting with a client who had real concerns that her son might have Lyme disease. He is an adult and has brushed off her suggestions to get tested. She is deeply concerned that her son is ignoring early
Lyme Health Care Overload – Optimize How
Your health care team has come up with all the right stuff to help you heal: rebuild from Lyme and co-infections. The prescriptions and suggestions pile on, and you end up with a list a mile long, of things to
Lyme Healing Support Seek Family Help
Tap into the network of people who love you to shore up Lyme healing support. There are Lyme disease support groups all over the country, because Lyme is tough to take on alone. Start by seeking help from family and