Low inflammation eating is a baseline practice to keep well with Lyme and other chronic illness. It can be a significant change if you are used to the standard American diet. Why? Most people have to switch things up eliminate
Make Lyme Self-Care Easy When You Can
Rebuilding from long term Lyme can be staggering, there are so many depleted systems to repair. Stamina and strength must be rebuilt. A wonderful lesson of Tick-borne illness is to make Lyme self-care easy when you can. Cooking Veggies Healthy
Spice Up Greens Titillate Your Tongue
I know I need greens, from how they make me feel when I eat them. The bitter and astringent flavors help to balance the 6 tastes in my diet. I need the fiber to support healthy evacuation and the nutrients
My Latest Food Struggle Is Fish
Are you concerned eating fish? Every time I turn around I read about why I shouldn’t eat this food or that food. The last article was on fish. It can be an ongoing food struggle to access fresh high nutrient
Move Fresh Parsley front and center on your plate and reap the benefits
Fresh Parsley is on the way I just planted parsley seeds under the lights. I really enjoy moving into spring by starting seeds indoors. Fresh Parsley is a herb I use in all kinds of ways. I plant a lot,