Hot weather tweaks Lyme! What I mean by that is that Lyme really makes you feel the heat and humidity . Heat messes with Lyme symptoms. Today was one of those hot, hot days. The mercury rose to near 100 degrees.
5 Ways Nature Helps Health
Being in Nature helps Health Walk, swim, paddle board even sitting and breathing in nature helps health. It is a basic form of self care. This is old news right. Growing up our parents used to push us outside to
Just heard you have Chronic Lyme?
What to say to a friend who just figured out they have Chronic Lyme? I want to say the things I wish someone had said to me. There is no one answer or certain path, but there are answers. There
Self Soothe & Quench Emotional Hunger
Hungry lately and eating too much? What is driving eating? I know I am. I am trying to self soothe with food. It isn’t working! Done well self soothing is a fabulous form of self care. But soothing with food
Do Lyme Disease & Autoimmunity have a connection?
Do Lyme Disease & Autoimmunity have a a connection? Recently I read about scientists finding Borrellia Borgdoferia in the brains of patients who had died of MS. This made me question the connection between Lyme Disease & Autoimmunity and how