Anyone dealing with a stubborn chronic illness knows to stay positive and motivated. But motivation can be elusive as time goes on. Gotta heal, then stay motivated. When I am struggling to stay on track with my medicine and self
Eat Wild Weeds dandelions an easy start

In my yard we have a meadow full of what most people call wild weeds. We love this, because we want access to more plants. The local animals us included may want to eat the weeds. Wild edibles also known
ALD Cats Lyme & Co-infection Questions
For the Love of Cats In my family, we have 3 cats, Cassiopeia, Durga and Eloise. They are sisters and litter mates. 3 years old they are a lively bunch to be sure. They came into my family after my
Lyme Lessons Make New Choices
During Treatment of chronic Lyme disease symptom load can vary, sometimes I felt lousy other times pretty good. Lyme lessons hit me over the head like a two by four. I worried, I couldn’t depend on myself. I have to
My 5 Daily Stress Busters Find Yours
It’s February and the world is getting to me. Time to slow down and process and build up my self care. I know I need to have some daily stress busters ready in my back pocket to help digest and