When you get diagnosed with Lyme disease there are many things to do, pills to take, sleep to catch up on, and ways to detox. You might not have the energy for any of them. Find a Lyme expert and
How do I travel with Lyme? 5 Travel Tips
Did you enjoy travel before Lyme and now don’t go anywhere? When I first was diagnosed, I was too overwhelmed with pain and doctors and illness to consider. Now much better vacation travel is a treat. Travel with Lyme
Fall Mushroom Foraging Fungi Fun

The Sudbury Valley Trustees a local land conservation group together with the Boston Mycological Club hosted a Fall Mushroom Foraging event this past weekend at Rauscher Farm in Clinton, Massachusetts. The 60 acre Farm was purchased by the town of
Pamper your parts 11 ways to release summer heat

Season change is a great time to pamper a little. In the Northern hemisphere we have transitioned from summer into fall. Pamper your parts to release the latent heat of pitta season as the dryness of vata season begins to
Mistake your Lyme Disease Symptoms?

Lyme Disease is called the great imitator in some circles, because of the huge disparity and severity of symptoms. People report that Lyme disease symptoms effect their mental clarity, emotional stability, soft tissue, joints organs and systems. Many Lyme disease