One thing I have learned from dealing with Lyme and co-infection is that I value my mobility. I have had a lot of neuropathy and swelling in my feet from Lyme disease and it put ease of movement at risk.
Stretch Your Feet for Happy Feet

One thing I have learned from dealing with Lyme and co-infection is that I value my mobility. I have had a lot of neuropathy and swelling in my feet from Lyme disease and it put ease of movement at risk.
I went to a workshop this past weekend on eating yard goodies hosted by the Herbal Community of Central Mass. There are huge benefits to eating wild greens. It is worth learning safe and tasty ways to go on eating
As soon as the critters start moving, generally we start heading outside. It is that time of year, technically spring is here. We all feel the shift in seasons and the urge to connect with nature. Honor that urge and
Lyme triggers self doubt even fear. Every day you wake up and you don’t know how you are going to feel. Some days are okay and on other days you have a new mysterious symptoms. You can’t tell if it
A Spoon full of Honey helps Bitter Herbs Go Down Honey is a wonderful medicinal food in its own right. It is also a great way to deliver herbs. At my herb club meeting this past weekend, we made zoom