My garden & my CSA share are starting to feed my family. I just love this. The color, the energy and the taste of fresh uber fresh organic produce raised with love elevates everything. We all need to eat whole
Mindfulness Meditation when Lyme Pain Strikes
Mindfulness is a buzz word that a lot of people talk about. Our bodies speak through sensation. Lyme pain speaks of inflammation and infection. Add Mindfulness Meditation to your pain management tool box to help. Pain is a hog and isolates
Build Ease on the Journey with Lyme

Ease is so elusive in our busy world. Most people tend towards overwhelm and exhaustion. Add the need for treatment and to balance cycles of feeling well then poorly from chronic Lyme. Is there any possibility of ease? I have
I Look at Bugs Differently Since Lyme
I thought of bugs as a relatively harmless part of the landscape, a great food source for frogs, birds and bats. In 2012 I got an answer for years of declining health Lyme disease and coinfections. Since Lyme I look
Is Self Care a Big Ask? Start Simple 4 Habits
Self Care has lots of different meanings. Some people consider a mani- pedi with friends their whole self care regime. I bring my training and experience in Ayurveda to build self care habits to optimize health. Start Simple build 4