Wellness is a gift of embodied life. We all have physical systems whose job is to maintain homeostasis, fight pathogens, and keep us well. They run the store. Our culture has moved us out of alignment from habits and cycles that bolster health. We are reaching a tipping point. Choose wellness or be led down a path on chronic illness, enfeeblement, or early death.
What is it to choose wellness? Wellness is a building process that starts where you are right now and evolves based on the decisions you make and execute. Do I go to bed or stay up to watch Game of Thrones? Do I have greens or fries at the barbecue restaurant? Unfamiliar healthy daily decisions that are initially tough to implement and stick too. In our culture, the deck is stacked against healthy choices.
Three Factors that Erode Our Natural Rhythms
To Much Food
We all encouraged even incited to overindulge. In the United States, the food industry has been stocking the shelves with more and more processed calories. They use sophisticated marketing to entice to eat more of them than we need. Many of us do.
BMI measure of weight relative to height is on the rise. Obesity defined as a BMI over 25 is also on the rise in this country. Processed Foods make food available 24 hours a day. Average daily calories per person in the marketplace increased by about 600 calories from the late twentieth century into the twenty-first century. We need support to tailor our food choices to get all the nutrients we need and keep our weight healthy.
Light-Darkness Cycles
There are lights on 24 hours a day. Depending on where you live now, some people only experience true night during a power outage. Darkness a normal healthy thing becomes foreign and frightening. Constant light is not how we are designed to operate. For millennia people woke with the sunrise and slept after sunset. Artificial light was a luxury. Now it is a constant presence that interferes with the way our body operates.
he circadian clock is the internal human clock. Food and Light are the environmental factors that keep them accurate. This clock deep in the brain sets the flow of hormone in your body, which tells you when to wake up, eat, and many other functions that operate without conscious effort. When the clock goes off you do too. Too much light throws your clock off.
Lack of Movement
Our bodies were designed to be hunter-gatherers, on the move with intermittent food. Now, most of us sit way too much. All the sitting promotes stagnation and weight gain.
Entertainment is now sedentary. Much of the way we relax used to be about sports, athletics or red rover in the back yard. Now most of the day is spent sitting with your phone, computer or game boy, and hours go by with minimal movement. Reduced range of motion, stagnation, and stiffness are the result.
Movement supports all kinds of necessary activities in the body, lymph flow, excretion, blood flow, and joint mobility. The list goes on and on. The latest research indicates that all movement helps, but you want a lot of regular movement, including weight bearing, aerobic, and stretching like yoga to maintain a vibrant, healthy body.

Help At The Choose Wellness Fair
This wellness fair combined traditional and alternative help options. Free health screeners were all set up to give you data to understand where to pay attention. Weight, BMI, Cholesterol, and blood sugar measurements map aspects of health. They gave you the data to help you make good choices to support your health.
Indoors there were many vendors with natural products and traditional healing methods to support you building wellness for you and your family. Here are a couple of examples of the organizations that came out to help people.
Healthy Life Style
You looked at your test results and said, “I need some help making changes to support health.” So you wondered over to talk to Anahanow LLC. Anahanow LLC is my wellness education company that uses the principles of Ayurveda to help people rediscover digestive health, restful sleep, and thrive.
Ayurveda teaches that daily choices, self-care, and activities build or erode alignment with natural rhythms and wellness. Check out the company site ayurselfcare.com for more information on Ayurveda.
Align with your time of life the seasons of the year and your unique nature. Rebuild your health and tap into ease. Get support to make the changes your body is seeking in a healthy daily routine.
Dare to self-care is the company website focused on tick bite prevention, tick-borne illness education, and Lyme self-care recovery strategies. Daretoselfcare.com is a free education site. With Lyme disease, information is power. Get Tested Get Treated, Get Better.
Add More Green Veggies To Your Diet.
Maybe your test result data took you to the cooking demos to look at how to bring more vegetables into your life, then to the farmers market for some fresh local produce to try the new recipes. Collin McCullough of Colincooksvegan.com , the author of the soon to be published The Healthy Vegan Cookbook, came with blenders in hand to show easy ways to incorporate raw vegetables as part of a healthy vegan diet.
Everyone from banks to life coaches to support animals came out to help people choose wellness. Start to look at the decisions you make each day. Begin to shift your choices to help you rebuild wellness.
The purpose of this blog and its contents is to share and educate on Lyme disease recovery strategies. The information provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for information purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.