Nourishing Broth Recipes 101
All of these nourishing broth recipes can be made on the stove top or in a crock pot for long worry free simmering. Long slow cooking is essential for delicious nutritious broths and stocks. Cook it into goodness!
What is Stock versus broth here is how I look at it.
The definitions of stock versus broth vary all over the internet. The main difference is in how much meat is used and how long (many hours) the mixture is cooked. For my definition bone broth is cooked for at least 24 hours and has a high bone to meat ratio. The bigger the bones the longer the cook time.
Meat broth meat stock, and bone broth are all made from water a little vinegar, meat, and bones in different proportions, with herbs salt and vegetables as desired. Roasting the bones darkens the broth color and makes the smell more appealing, but it is optional. The vinegar is added to help leach out minerals into the broth.
I almost always roast a whole local chicken, use the meat to eat and the bones for stock. Many bone broth recipes just use bones, vinegar salt and water, but I enjoy the complex flavor created when the herbs and veggies are also added to the bone base.
Vegetable broth is vegetables and herbs simmered in water for several hours to leach out the goodness. Traditional is a base of onion, carrot and celery. Open your options and add greens and other veggies for a rich flavor base.
These three are my basic staples in the kitchen. I make them on an ongoing basis. Each broth has a distinct flavor. You can change up a recipe by switching beef bone broth for vegetable broth. Specialty broth, like turkey, lamb and fish stock are variations of these made for on holidays or specific recipes.
Beef Bone Broth Recipe (PDF)
This nourishing broth recipe can be made on the stove top or in a crock pot after the bones are roasted. See my blog Bone Broth Buzz for some of the health benefits of nourishing broth as a regular part of your diet.
- 4 -5 quarts of water
- 2 lbs grass feed cow bones Knuckle and marrow bones.
- 2 tlb apple cider vinegar
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 onion
- 2 celery stalks
- 1 tlb parsley
- Sea Salt to taste
- 3 black peppercorns (optional)
- Roasting Pan
- Stock Pot with cover
- Knife
- Cutting Board
- Strainer
- Canning funnel
- Storage jars with lids
- Optional Roast Bones in a roasting pan at 375 F for 30 minutes before assembling stock ingredients.
- Assemble stock ingredients.
- Place in a large heavy bottomed stock Pot or in a crock pot.
- Bring to a boil on medium to high heat.
- Turn down to slow on the crock pot or a slow simmer and cover.
- Simmer up to 2 days.
- Check periodically to be sure the bones and veggies are covered in liquid. Replace liquid as necessary with additional water.
- Strain and store in clean quart glass bottles. Allow to cool
- Label the jars with the contents and date.
- Store in the Refrigerator.
- Use withing 7-10 days
Chicken Bone Broth Recipe(PDF)
- 1 organic free range chicken
- 6 cups of water
- 2 organic celery stalks chopped
- 2 organic carrots chopped
- 1 onion chopped
- 1 tablespoon dried basil
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 sprigs of thyme
- 1 spring rosemary
- 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar
- Sea Salt
- Black Pepper
- 1 inch fresh Turmeric
- Roasting Pan
- Stock Pot with cover
- Knife
- Cutting Board
- Strainer
- Canning funnel
- Storage jars with lids
- Take chicken from bag
- Drain bag and dispose of it
- Pull neck and innards and save.
- Salt and Roast Chicken
- Roast Chicken at 350 F until the breast reaches an internal temperature of 165F 45 minutes to 1 hour.
- Take the chicken out of the oven. Use a cooling rack
- Allow chicken to cool
- Wash hands well
- Pick chicken clean. Save meat for use in stir-fry or soup
- Add bones, skin, fat, and innards to stock pot.
- Add Apple Cider Vinegar wait 20 minutes.
- Add veggies
- Add herbs
- Cover with water
- Simmer for 24 hours
- Strain into mason jars
- Cool to room temperature
- Cover
- Label
- Refrigerate and store in the refrigerator
- Use within 7 – 10 days.

Nourishing Broth Recipe for Vegans
Veggie Broth Recipe (PDF) as seen in Everyday Ayurveda
Use Veggie trims from the fridge or freezer. Add greens to bump up the flavor and the nutrients. Use the bits you might throw out or compost, but are still good and fresh. Never add rotted or moldy vegetables to your stock. Dispose of any rotted bits or ends.
- 4 quarts filtered water
- 2 carrots or a bunch of ends
- 1 onion, or several tops and bottoms
- 3 stalks of celery
- 2 cloves of garlic
- Parsley stems
- Cabbage Core
- Cauliflower Core
- Kale or Collard Stems
- Turmeric 1”
- Garlic 1-3 cloves to taste
- Black Pepper to taste
- Celtic Salt to taste
- Stock Pot with cover
- Knife
- Cutting Board
- Strainer
- Canning funnel
- Storage jars with lids
- Trim any rotten or old bits off all the vegetables and stems and ends. Dispose of these. No rotten or moldy veggies in the stock.
- Chop all the good bits coarsely
- Add chopped veggies and spices to your stock pot.
- Cover with water about 4 quarts.
- Bring to a boil for 20 minutes
- Turn down to simmer.
- Simmer several hours on low partially covered.
- Filter into clean quart mason jars
- Cover, label and cool.
- Refrigerate and store in refrigerator.
- Use within 10 days.
Turkey Bone Broth Recipe (PDF)
Paleo Contains animal products
This recipe can be made on the stove top or in a crock pot after a holiday turkey dinner.
- 1 organic free range cooked turkey carcass
- 10 cups of water
- 2 organic celery stalks chopped
- 2 organic carrots chopped
- 1 onion chopped
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns
- 2 sprigs of thyme
- 1 spring rosemary
- Couple sage leaves to taste
- 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar
- Sea Salt
- Black Pepper
- 1 inch fresh Turmeric
- 10 Quart Stock Pot
- Knife
- Cutting Board
- Fine Mesh Filter
- Canning Funnel
- 5 Quart Canning Jar with lids
- Marker and Labels
- Wash hands well
- Pick turkey clean. Save meat for use in stir-fry or soup
- Add bones, skin, fat, and innards to stock pot.
- Add veggies
- Add herbs.
- Add ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
- Cover with water, may take more than 10 cups.
- Simmer for 24 hours, Add water back to just keep bones covered
- Strain into mason jars
- Cool to room temperature
- Cover
- Label
- Refrigerate and store in the refrigerator
- Use within 5-7 days.