I was kind of surprised at my response to suggestions to stay home and shelter in place. My anxiety flared and I was having visions of myself stuck in a MRI tube. (Not good visions bad ones.) All the fear conveyed on the news and on social media triggered a Lyme flashback. In my mind, I was back in the time when I could not drive or move. I was stuck in my room in pain and afraid for my life.
.What does Lyme disease have to do with Corona virus? Why did I go there? I could have felt wow I have some well deserved down time, but that wasn’t my response. I love where I live and who I live with, so I felt the need to do some self-reflection to figure out why I had such a strong fearful reaction. We must all follow the social distancing and shelter in place guidelines, I want to do it with as little fear as possible
How about you? Are you responding to the uncertainty and changes with anxiety. We all have to get a grip on what we are thinking and how we are feeling. I want to make sure I act in alignment with who I am, not the fear I am feeling. It is no time to be unconscious.

Reflection On My Lyme Fear Flashback
After some consideration it struck me, unlike many generally healthy people, I already know what it feels like to not be able to move freely, travel, shop, drive even push a cart at the supermarket. I had to face my own mortality in an immediate way because of Lyme disease. At my sickest, I spent a lot of time with my thoughts and had to marshal them into some kind of order that would help me heal or go off the deep end.
Thoughts are louder, without the distractions of the world. But this is good because you get to hear them and understand what is really going on. I have read it takes a braver person to face struggle the second time when they know exactly what it is going to take to move through it. That rings true to me.
Actions To Support My Wellness
So I decided to start taking action to quash my fears and deal with what is in the most constructive way I can. It is easy to take the freedoms and opportunities we have for granted. In recovery I remember the incredible joy of doing simple things to reclaim my independence. People with significant illness or impairments carve their way around loss of freedom with courage and grace every day. I look forward to the joy as our planet comes back into balance. I need to do what is necessary so I can too, even though I know restrictions test me.
Get enough sleep
- You know how much you need, I know I need 8 hours or so to feel clear and connected.
- Here are some tips to help you wind down.
Keep On Meditating
- 15 minutes a day can help you in measurable ways.
- I already do this and more, so I am hosting a free 6 week meditation series to up my practice.
Organize Your Free Time
- Don’t fritter your time at home away.
- Make Lists and get things done, that will give you a sense of accomplishment.
- Don’t sit at your computer, phone or TV all day. Create movement opportunities throughout your day. 10 minute dance party a walk to the mailbox or what ever works.
- Get outside everyday for some fresh air and sunshine.
Eat To Keep You Well
- Eat as much living nutritionally dense food as you can get your hands on.
- Don’t pig out and gain weight from stress. Stay away from the kitchen as much as possible.
Cultivate Ease
- Find ways to turn off stressors
- Stress turns down your immune defense system, and makes you more susceptible to illness. Ease promotes homeostasis and healthy immune response.
Have you experienced a Lyme fear flashback as part of the pandemic? Take action to nip fear in the bud. You know you are strong and a survivor. What conscious actions can you add to your day to support your wellness? Share your ideas in a comment to this post. We all need to help each other keep cool and stay well. Please take care everyone.
The purpose of this article is to share and educate on Lyme disease recovery strategies. The information provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for information purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.
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