Bladder Leakage part of your Lyme experience? Do you have bladder leakage aka urinary incontinence as part of your journey with Lyme disease? When Lyme hits hard,lots of things go wrong. It knocked my socks off with multiple systems failure.
Tick Bites, Not This Spring Thanks
As soon as the critters start moving, generally we start heading outside. It is that time of year, technically spring is here. We all feel the shift in seasons and the urge to connect with nature. Honor that urge and
Favorite Biohacker Tips for Lyme
I guess I qualify as a biohacker. When I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and my symptoms extended well beyond the normal course of antibiotics, I was in a tough spot. Five Years ago put in this corner, I decided
Courage In The Face Of Fear
I hope I can continue to find courage in the face of fear and disease. It is possible, I see examples of this kind of courage all the time. I recently went to services for a woman who kept company
Lyme Protect Your Hands and Feet from Extreme Cold
With Lyme protect your hands and feet from the extreme cold temperature prevalent this winter. Why? You may not have the resiliency to cushion you against frigid air and can get into health trouble quick. Half the country is in