Lyme is serious business no doubt, but borellia is often delivered in a package full of serious stuff called coinfections. Lyme Coinfections include a number of insect born pathogens to be on the lookout for. Coincident infection can make Lyme disease much more difficult to bring under control. You have to treat Lyme Coinfections to rebuild health.
“Ticks can carry many bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans all at the same time and transmit them in a single bite. The most common tick-borne diseases in the United States include Lyme disease, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). Diseases acquired together like this are called co-infections.” – Lyme
Lyme Coinfections Complicate Matters
If you have one or more coinfection in addition to Lyme disease, chances are it will take more effort and time to heal. This shouldn’t really surprise anyone, your body’s immune system is facing attack multiple fronts. This stresses your immune system making it less accurate and less effective. I dealt with coinfections as part of my Lyme treatment. They added a bunch of symptoms. I underwent and thought I could narrow my focus to Lyme.
Then a couple of years later I was bitten by black flies. I had 6 bites across my forehead. These biting flies plaque New England in the spring. They bit me right through my protective gear. The literature says black flies in North America don’t transmit disease, so maybe it scewed my immune response and a coinfection acted up in my body.
All I know is I woke up with my left eye closed almost shut. I couldn’t see at all out of the eye. I tapped on my health care team to test and treat this and rebuild strengthen my eye and eyelid muscles. They told me a coinfection caused this side effect. Not fun.
Treat Lyme Coinfections For An Effective Recovery Strategy
Multiple infections need to be identified to be treated and brought under control or eliminated. Testing for coinfections is not done automatically, so you will need to ask your doctor specifically to test you.
Also you may need a specific order of antibiotics and or herbs to kill things off in a way that enables access to all the pathogens who have taken up residence and are bad tenants. You might think, I just need to kill the Lyme and my body will take care of the rest of them, but that may not be so. Multiple chronic infections will impact how you feel each day and tax your immune system.
Protect Yourself from Re-Infection
Babesia another common coinfection in New England comes primarily from tick bites and blood transfusions. But other coinfections like Bartonella come from multiple sources like cats, body lice and insects. Ongoing reinfection is a problem because your body stays in fight mode, and your immune system is over taxed. The microbes work together to elude and confuse immune defense strategies. With ongoing reinfection you are like a hamster on a treadmill, and your body never gets to the work of deep recovery.
Identify and treat Lyme coinfections you may have. You want the work of deep recovery to reclaim your life.
The purpose of this blog and its contents is to share and educate on Lyme disease recovery strategies. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for information purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.